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Please find attached the BNG Breeding Birds Survey for those who fancy a crack at something a little more involved.  


We would like people to observe the signs of birds nesting in their gardens and elsewhere (on their exercise walks) if they can provide post code in the "remarks" column.


For example, early in the season, such signs might include male bird singing from high branches, courtship displays, woodpeckers drumming or carrying nesting material. Later on, you might be aware of birds visiting nest sites, carrying food or the presence of nests with eggs or baby birds. Then finally, later in the summer, you might see fledglings being fed by parent birds. 


We encourage everyone to share their sightings on BNG’s Facebook page, but if you want to complete the formal survey, please submit your sightings from time to time to Tom ( so that he can start to analyse the results and provide updates.  


You can also record other garden sightings such as hedgehogs, frogs, bats, butterflies, moths and other pollinators.  


Happy recording!

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