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About Us
Benson Area Nature Group (BANG) started as a survey group (BEST) in 1997. An early achievement was the publication of an award-winning Conservation Plan for the Parish of Benson.
The group built on that fantastic success, monitoring wildlife and running a programme of winter talks and summer walks over many years for members.
Roll forward to 2016, and the Nature Group moved into a proactive mode, working to support the parish council to assess the value of the parish’s natural assets and to produce green infrastructure policies for the village neighbourhood plan. Since then, the group has focused on growing and looking after the village green space network and enabling the community to learn about and record the wildlife around us.
We have broadened our remit since then, working across the four parishes of Benson, Ewelme, Warborough and Berrick & Roke, from the low-lying meadows by the Thames up onto the chalk scarp of the Chilterns.

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